(An Autonomous Institution of the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India)
Web: http://www.nccs.res.in/
Advertisement No. Admn/P14A/2010
Applications are invited for the following posts to be filled purely on temporary basis at NCCS, Pune in the project "Establishment of Microbial Culture Collection".
- Scientist 'C'
- Posts: Three (UR)
- Scale of Pay Rs. 10000-325-15200 (TME 29240 /-)
- Age Limit: Below 40 years.
- Qualification & Experience : Ist Class MTech / MD / MVSc / MPharm / MBiotech / or Ph.D / corresponding degrees in other disciplines with original work as evidenced by patents or publications. Evidence of leadership with about 4 years experience in R & D.
- Scientist 'B'
- Posts: Four (02-UR, 01-OBC & 01-SC)
- Scale of Pay: Rs. 8000-275-13500 (TME 23600 /-)
- Age Limit: Below 35 years.
- Qualification & Experience: Ist Class MTech / MD / MVSc / MPharm / MBiotech / with 3 years experience in relevant field or Ph.D / corresponding degrees with about 1 year experience in relevant field.
- Technical Officer 'A' (Lab)
- Post: One (UR)
- Scale of Pay Rs. 6500-200-10500 (TME 18971 /-)
- Age Limit: Below 35 years.
- Qualification & Experience: M.Sc. or equivalent with 4 years of experience or B.Sc. or equivalent with 8 years of experience.
- Technician 'C' (Lab)
- Posts: Four (03-UR, 01-OBC)
- Scale of Pay Rs. 5500-175-9000 (TME 15851 /-)
- Age Limit: Below 30 years.
- Qualification & Experience: M.Sc. or equivalent with 1 year experience or B.Sc. or equivalent with 5 years of experience.
- Technician 'B' (Lab)
- Posts: Six (03-UR, 01-OBC, 01-ST & 01-SC)
- Scale of Pay Rs. 4500-125-7000 (TME 13031/-)
- Age Limit: Below 30 years.
- Qualification & Experience: 12th Pass with Science with two years full time DMLT having 7 years experience in R&D laboratory or B.Sc with 3 years experience.
- Lab Helper
- Posts: Two (01-UR, 01-OBC)
- Scale of Pay Rs. 2550-55-2660-60-3200 (TME Rs. 7531/-)
- Age Limit : Below 30 years.
- Qualification : VIIIth Pass.
- Last Date: 22.10.2010
For full details please visit the link below: