Advertisement No. 11/Exam 'A'/RJS/2008-09
RPSC invites application for 87 posts of
Civil Judge and Judicial Magistrate,
Rajasthan Judicial / Judiciary Service Examination (RJS) - 2008Post : Civil Judge and Judicial Magistrate :
87 postsQualification : Law Graduate (LL.B.) from any recognised University and Knowledge of Hindi
Age : Max. 35 years as on 01/01/2009. Relaxation as per rules.
Last Date : 18/10/2008 (5 PM)
Application Fee : (Add Rs.50/- for the cost of Application form) Rs. 250 for General and Creamy layer candidates of the OBC and Rs. 150/- for non-creamy layaer of OBC candidates. Rs. 50/- for SC/ST candidates of Rajasthan.
Selection Procedure : Written Exam (on 7 & 8 Feb, 2009) and Interview.
A. The competitive Examination for recruitment to the Rajasthan Judicial Service shall consist of: -
- (a) a written examination in the subjects hereinafter mentioned, and
- (b) an interview to test the General Knowledge of the candidate and his fitness for appointment.
B. The examination will be in the following subjects, each subject carrying the number of marks shown against each: -
- Law Paper-I - 100 Marks
- Law Paper-II - 100 Marks
- Language (I) Paper-I - Hindi essay - 50 Marks
- Language (II) Paper-II English essay - 50 Marks
Law Paper-I is designed to test the practical knowledge of the candidates in civil law and procedure e.g. drafting, pleading, framing issues and writing out judgments etc., in Civil Cases.
Law Paper-II is designed to test the practical knowledge of the candidates in criminal law and procedure e.g. framing charges and writing out judgments etc. in Criminal Cases.
Law Paper-I and Law Paper-II shall be answered either in English or in Hindi but no candidate shall be permitted to answer any of these papers partly in Hindi and partly in English.
After the marks obtained by the candidates in the written test have been received, the Commission shall call for interview such of them as have obtained a minimum of 35 percent marks in each of the Law Papers and 40 percent marks in the aggregate. The interview shall carry 35 marks.
How to Apply : OMR Application forms can be collecfted from any office of the District Employment Officer
Exam Centers : The Divisional headquarters Ajmer, Bharatpur, Bikaner, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Kota and Udaipur.
Information : For complete information please download complete notification from official website of rajasthan public service commission (RPSC) : http://www.rpsc.gov.in/advt_1_.11.08-09_RJS.pdf